Servicom’s Long Service Award

  • Post category:Newsletter
  • Reading time:2 mins read

This is to commemorate and honor our long-serving and dedicated employees, pioneers of our organization who have worked with us for many years, namely; Mervin Lay, Parvathy Raman, Alvin Chew and Rumaishah. 

Servicom Medical Singapore is indeed very fortunate to have staff members whose many years of dedication, commitment and loyalty have shaped and contributed towards our successes.  Now, it is our turn to say Thank You and reward their loyalty!


Dear Awardees, your contributions are nothing less than a mark of passion, perseverance and dedication which is rare at this day and age. We are very proud to have such committed people representing our organization and we value your hard work, extensive knowledge and invaluable experience which are all that adds to the unique culture of Servicom.


It is certain that any journey may not always be smooth-sailing and that you may have encountered challenges along the way. Thank you for persevering through the highs and lows with Servicom and remaining because of your passion and the love for what you do!


As we honour your service milestone, we hope that this serves as inspiration to other colleagues and those who will join Servicom in the future. Congratulations to you all!